New and Old Spiritual Rituals Introduced to Abortion
Abortion is not just for atheists. Polls show a majority of Catholics favor abortion rights. Knowing little about "new age" (or old age) religious thinking, I found it interesting to read about a professional in health care helping women who might be conflicted about abortion through the experience.
When the national Satanist group began its crusade to call abortion part of its religion, it struck me as a little absurd. It should not have. Nothing, so it seems to me now, is off limits for religion. If there can be a host of gods, heavens, hells and who knows what else, why not a spiritual abortion.
These women helpers are called doulas. As I understand it, they are women with less training and experience than midwives but assist in pregnancies and births. Perhaps they are to some extent comfort helpers. The set of them discussed in the link are sympathetic to abortion and help women by listening and offering advice. There is a spiritual component to their services and some rituals are performed.
The doula in the link said some women have no regrets about an abortion and move on easily. But other women are quite mixed in feelings and need help deciding whether go have the abortion or not. The doula helps these women. If they are religious, Christian or other, she helps them whether they have an abortion or give birth by providing an opportunity for prayer or whatever their faith does to connect.
This is an alternative to the "pregnancy centers" operated by anti abortion religious groups. Their objective is to impose guilt on women if they are considering abortions. If women decide to get abortions the pregnancy centers are of no help whatsoever. In fact, they harm women.
If rituals, prayers and meditation of some sort help women through their experience of being pregnant that is a good approach. I hope one day women can decide to have or not to have abortions and feel no guilt either way.
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