Claims Continue that Religion is Societal Asset not a Flaw
When non-believers attack religion the response is, "It gives us our national values" or "It brings us together" or "We'd would have no hospitals." The founding fathers, even those that appear as not religious, said religion keeps people united. Any number of kings and dictators have embraced religion for this very reason, it makes a country more governable easier to stay in power. The link is a modern version of this old argument. It says religion, now it is acknowledged there are many religions in the U.S., in some way unites us.
If one looks at this factually, there can be no conclusion the religion "unites us." Slavery, the Civil War over slaver and the segregation that followed was religion based. I suppose there were preachers during that entire period who were saying, "Let's unite behind the truth that the black man is inferior and will rape white women." Now, it may well be there would have been slavery without Christianity, but Christianity did not eliminate it. It played a role in the long 400 year run of slavery.
There are almost no atheists elected to public office. This may be improving but it is not due to any serious effort by Christianity. Has there been a Christian clergy or official who said, "We need to elect more atheists. They are assets to our communities?" That is the kind of statement that would be unifying. Not happening.
Treatment of gays is the more recent effort by those in the faith to divide our country. "Homosexuality is sin. We are a unifying faith. We need to unify around demonizing gays and trans citizens."
Then there is the current hot issue abortion. A large part of the faith is admonishing the country to unify around demonizing politicians, women and medical personnel who get abortions or support the rights to women to get abortions. A member of the Catholic clergy published are article after the Supreme Court Roe overturn that now we need to bury the hatchet, come together and move on. Oh yeah. And let you clergy flaunt you influence and power? Not a chance. The chance to unite under a cause of equal right for both men and women has been available for centuries. No chance of Catholics or part of Protestantism to unite around that noble cause.
By many accounts Christian religion played a major role in America’s history of enslaving people of color. It’s influence on today’s sub-cultures of the anti-abortion forced birthing crowd, the fans of demonizing homosexual, transgender, and transsexual citizens, the white supremacy and neo-Nazi tiki torch bearers, the Christian Nationalism bullshit spreaders, and other far right political machinations seems clear enough. To many of us the old adage of “there’s no hate like Christian love” is making sense. Oh yes and the latest x-president, a champion of graft, grifting, gaslighting, and greed is pulling on every teat of the holy cow.
ReplyDeleteJon, I ran across an article, linked below, on what the author describes as a new style of atheism called Communitarian Atheism as a counter to Christian Nationalism. You may have seen it. If you get a chance your comments would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ardy--I did read that article a couple of days ago. It is interesting to ponder an atheist "movement" full of purpose and patriotic enthusiasm. The author did not speak of himself starting and running such a group. In decades of going to atheist gatherings I have never sensed a common theme like what he described. In my experience atheists tend to resist becoming organized or finding common purpose. Maybe the time and circumstances will be right for a charismatic personality and a theme at some point in the future. Robert Ingersoll was an example.