Kansas Anti Abortion Wackos, like Trump, Claim Election Fraud
The new claim is votes were counted wrong. This was after abortion rights swamped anti-abortion nut cases at the polls. Trump is still using this deceptive practice to raise money. Now forced birth nut jobs are doing the same thing. In Kansas abortion rights hammered forced birth crazies. Yet, they stay in the news by demanding a recount. One county is finished and the vote count is almost identical to what was released election night. The forced birth advocates have spent about $120,000 and raised about $56,000. The $120,000 was raised by credit card debt. I'm guessing the forced birth gang will default on the bill and local governments will be stuck.
So, the idea of a democracy to Trump and anti-abortion true believers is that every time they lose an election they scream "fraud." Every time they win it was an honest election. Is it any wonder the net is full of articles wondering if the U.S. can remain a democracy? Certainly, there a millions of voters who do not believe in supporting the outcomes of elections. That Mr. Whacko is paying for a recount in Kansas is sign he and his enthusiastic supporters do not want to live in a democracy.
As we saw after the Presidential election of 2020 it is easy to claim elections were not honest. Neither the 2020 Presidential election nor the abortion referendum in Kansas were close. It takes a person not grounded in reality to claim there were dishonest.
What should be coming clear to the generally disinterested public is that both Trump and anti abortion operatives are people who lie at every opportunity. Anti abortion groups lied in Fargo many times. Courts had to force them to stop. Trump, well we don't really have to say much about his lying. He tells whoppers. In fact, I think he lies more often than he says something true.
It is helpful to laugh at Trump and anti-abortion liars. I read a couple of Christian parody sites and they are both having fun pretending to be enraged at voter fraud. One said, "We need to stop this fraud so we can loose elections honestly."
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