The Forced Birth Party Loses in Kansas; Will Go National

Abortion rights people have labeled organizations which oppose abortion rights the Forced Birth Party. It is indeed very much like a political party. The minority of Catholics who favor an outright ban on all abortions is the Forced Birth Denomination of Christianity. All of this comes from an answer given by Supreme Court Judge Amy Barrett (and thousands of others) to the question, "What rights does a pregnant woman have?" The answer is, "To (be forced to) give birth."

While the Forced Birth Party has all along thought it could eliminate all abortions by going state to state after Roe, it now has confronted a new reality: It will not win state by state. Forced Birth has changed its strategy. It will throw a hail-mary, try to pass a national law outlawing all abortions. The next election might provide them that opportunity.

The old argument to overturn Roe was "state's rights." It turned out that in Kansas the state used it rights to put a finger in the eye of Forced Birth. Now it's, "State's rights? What's that?" 

A portion of the Forced Birth Party does not want women prosecuted because it would hurt them politically. But another part of the party is obsessed prosecution women. They point out, correctly, women, not abortion clinics, make the woman's decision to have an abortion. The old position was women are "victims" in abortion, abused by the doctors and politicians who approve of abortion. Everyone else, including parts of the Forced Birth Party, knew that was bogus from day one.

Forced Birth has a pattern of overreach, trying to score a grand slam instead of playing small ball. They were doing well with small ball. When they tried for a grand slam in Kansas they struck out.

I don't expect Forced Birth to give up--it may be energized and scorc some wins somewhere. I don't expect it to get much smarter either.   


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