Why are Some Creation Stories Called Myths but not the Bible's
My guess is the during all of human's 2-300,000 years stories of the origin of the universe and of humans were told. There is an inbred curiosity about our origin. Many different stories of the first human are repeated today. The link tells of the Cheyenne Native American version. It is so similar to the Bible's story it seems copied. The Cheyenne story, however, almost surely predates the Bible. "Myth" is the label given the Cheyenne version. Calling the Bible's version myth is fightin' words.
I've written before about the tribe that is identified as the early inhabitants of the Black Hills area in South Dakota. In its written history is a creation story. It doesn't seem to be written about much elsewhere but if it were it would, of course, be referred to as a "creation myth,"
I wish it were possible to know the number of prerecorded history creation stories. One would guess each isolated tribe or clan would have its own. Human nature is such that we need to think of both ourselves and our group to be "special," "unique" or "better than others." That some great creation entity decided we are the ones who will occupy all the earth makes us feel all these things. That Adam and Eve were our ancestors does that as well--even though there is an asterisk after Eve telling us she sinned.
Is there some logical or theological reason the creation story cannot be referred to by all Christians as a myth? Would this be a grievous sin? Would one be turned into a pillar of salt? Obviously, there is some reason or reasons this is impossible. It seems to me the faith would gain credibility by saying the obvious, neither the creation story nor Adam and Eve ever happened.
If it is not possible for the faith to refer to the creation story as a myth, it would be at least gracious not to refer to other versions of the beginning the world as "myth." Instead, they could be call "other versions of the origin of the universe" or "competing versions..." Calling them "myths" is like calling them lies. It invites others calling the Bible lies.
I decided long ago to call all versions of creation "myths." Reality is there is no other choice.
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