Guess What Catholics Found from their Opinion Gathering
Catholic Church worldwide has been holding meetings where ordinary members express their views about the Church. Not all dioceses held the meetings. Comments were summarized. The idea is to hold a world-wide conference this Fall to address the findings.
The criticisms addressed by members illustrate the problems everyone but most pious Catholics already know. They are that clergy have taken powers they do not deserve, serving as the gatekeepers to the divine and women are excluded from serving the church in many ways. If the Catholic hierarchy thinks it has solved the Church's public image problems by turning over a few pedophile priests, it is missing the mark. The problems are they, themselves. They need to hand over their most precious asset, their power.
The Catholic Church's rules could not be more out of sync with today's society. What other large institution excludes woman from the highest positions? Certainly, there are many without women in high positions but the official policy will not state that as an objective.
What other institution claims it is above all ordinary people and can claim for itself whatever powers it wishes? This in spite of fact their money comes from the very people who they are stiffing. Both putting down women and granting themselves lofty powers did not come from those in the pews. It came from those who benefit from the rules they themselves pass.
I'm guessing the Pope, who called for this synod and who probably ordered the faithful be allowed to voice their opinion, is pleased with all the hubbub. A clever fellow is he.
I'm also guessing the conservative stuffed shirts will quote from "Catholic Law" or from the Bible to oppose any changes. Afterall, they were "appointed by Jesus." It will provide great material for stand up comedy. If only Monty Python were still among us.
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