If Christianity Cannot Cheat Death, Does it Offer Anything

An amateur philosopher recently reviewed the efforts of the super-rich to find longer lives than the rest of us chumps. I've read the average age of death in the U.S. has been falling just a bit after rising for decade. But branches of science charge ahead with research on longevity. The rich now live longer than the poor. We can expect if there is progress in longevity the rich will live even longer and the poor have even shorter lives. It's entertaining to wonder where Christianity falls in this debate about longevity. According to the tenets of the faith the big prize it offers is death, not life. Everyday somewhere it is repeated that the faith must cling to the Resurrection because without it people cannot be sold the idea their tithe buys a happy life for an eternity. That's a better deal than Trump's "The Art of the Deal." I wonder who is now paying for research on longevity. If the poor will not benefit. If they are paying they are being robbed. It sho...