A Pro Lifer's Take on What's Why Pro Life is Losing
In the next year or so, 14 states will be voting on abortion rights. Perhaps not all of them will approve, but if current political trends continue, the majority will win rights to abortion. Once in a while advocates for forcing pregnant women to give birth display show a little insight into their problem. This one explains that one problem has been assuming the U.S. culture has not changed since decades ago when Roe was passed.
The link author explains the gender equality which bloomed in the 60's made it less likely either men or women wanted men to continue causing pregnancies but suffering no consequences. More than ever before the spacing of births was important, actually imperative, to couples. If political operatives for Forced Birth do not understand this, they are on a hopeless quest.
The second observation in the link is that of messaging. The abortion rights argument of "My body" is a simple but forceful message and Forced Birth has no answer. Forced Birth always thought it had the simple and most effective message, "abortion kills a person." Today only a minority of voters is buying the "person" argument. Every trick in the book of political tricks has been tried. "Heartbeat", "Knows my mother's voice", "fingerprints", "DNA" and I've forgotten the others have been run up the flag. Nothing has worked.
The link author failed to recognize the big failure of Forced Birth. One person is central to every abortion. The "villain" is not the abortion provider. Nor is it the liberals like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. The "villain" is the pregnant woman. Forced Birth takes her goals and happiness from her. It needs to compensate her for what it has taken. In a world of carrots and sticks, Forced Birth offers only sticks.
I read every Forced Birth article on right wing religion sites I can find. I have yet to see one Forced Birth advocate address the movement's actual problem. The message, "We have an abstract theory that one fertilized cell is a human being. That this theory trumps whatever real-time problem you have like raising other children, feeding yourself, a terrible man involved, etc." misses the mark.
All "war rooms" where Forced Birth people make calls and stuff envelopes trying to bring voters to their side should take down all the pictures of fetuses. Replacing these pictures should be a sign, IT'S ABOUT THE WOMAN, STUPID.
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