DeSantis Keeps Looking for Applause Lines
Recently, DeSantis announced Satanists could not have after school programs in Florida. Christians can, Satanists cannot. DeSantis always hooks his line to Christian Nationalism. It is a prize getting smaller by the day.
He and others tout the "School Chaplain" program. That is an open invitation to Satanists, Pagans and anything else that comes along. Advocates of Christianity should not be surprised if one day they are the minority and other religions the majorities. Advocating for Christianity risks having the entire world see it is being rejected. Wouldn't it be smarter to keep a low profile and create the impression you are more popular than you are actually?
Time moves on in religion like in everything else. I remember hearing my Grandfather telling his daughter-in-law, my mother, "Bibles in the U.S. are a lot different than Bibles were back in Sweden." I don't know what he meant but, to him, the faith had changed from what he knew as a child. I assume a generation or two before my Grandfather the faith was different and his Grandparents thought the new version was wrong.
Whether it is public school Chaplains, laws against abortion or laws against gay marriage, putting religion in government is letting the camel's nose into the tent. Religion has had a history of chewing up the competition and then being chewed up. Christians took over countries from Pagans. Muslims took over yet other countries. Now all those countries are on course to be taken over by "nones." At some time far into the future something will take over from the nones.
DeSantis is a falling Christian star. He needs applause lines. But they are meaningless in the sands of time. He has already been largely forgotten since his failed Presidential gambit. Reaching for applause lines can still get him a mention on some Christian sites but the sands of time mostly have buried him.
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