Catholic "Doctrine of Discovery," 15th Century, Continues to Harm Humanity


Columbus returned a hero after his 1492 landing in the U.S. Almost immediately, Spain and the Catholic Church outfitted him to return. But the return trip was a bigger operation with several ships and lots of priests who came to convert the native heathens. It was during this period Catholic issued the Doctrine of Discovery, a document which declares white people superior to all others and the Christian faith is needed by all mankind. Some historians find the Doctrine of Discovery embedded in today's white Christian Nationalism.

The notion white people and Christianity are superior to all others took root and has never been abandoned. Today's white supremacy and the budget various Christian denominations have for "missionary" work to reenforce each other. I can recall from my childhood the enthusiasm church goers had for giving money to missionaries. This was and remains "important work" and causes grief wherever it takes place. As a publication I have says, " earthly atrocities could possibly tilt the scales of justice against these immeasurable goals."

Christian nationalism, anti gay and anti abortion all share the same kind of ends as the Doctrine of Discovery. The latter is about saving souls of other races sometimes on other continents. It is a holy war against those religions and cultures whatever they may be. The former three are all about taking control of others and forcing them to conform to whatever ideas the dominant race and culture holds.

I've read the Southern Baptist Convention has cut back its missionary staff and budget. I would if Rome has done the same or continues to fund marketing in countries around the world. Methodists learned their lesson after bringing in large numbers of people from poor countries to their national governance conventions. The new Christians from Africa especially continued to hold reverence to magical ceremonies and views of abhorrence toward homosexuality. If this is a reward for the millions or billions spent on missionary work leaders should be ashamed. 

The Doctrine of Discovery remains one of the most harmful documents ever written. Every Christian should share in the blame for its continued following.




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