New Statistics: Young Women Leaving the Faith More Than Young Men

When I was a farm boy I remember my mother coming home from a Bible study and she was not happy. "I don't like that Paul in the Bible," she said. It was years later I realized she was referring to writing attributed to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:34 which says women should be silent in the church. This passage, like all in the Bible, is subject to the favorite Christian sentence which starts, "What this means is...." The end of the sentence always is about what the speaker himself/herself wants it to mean.

In many denominations women are not allowed to stand behind the pulpit and preach. In the denomination of my youth, Evangelical Mission Covenant, a vote was taken a decade of two ago which gave women the right to be preachers. I understand the majority of seminary students are now women. However, churches most often hire men so most still have male preachers and women who spent lots of money to become credentialed preachers are left to do something else with their lives. One committee in the denomination encourages the denomination's churches to include women on their hiring committees. (I'm not using the Protestant term "call.")

I've always wondered why the majority of church goers has remained women. Of course, some of the attendance numbers are skewed because an older demographic is more likely to attend church and there are more older women than older men. In the future, it appears women will not be the majority in church. Younger women now say goodbye to the faith more often than younger men. I've been going to atheist gatherings for over a decade and the number of women attending has grown substantially. 

The reasons denominations give for treating women as lesser than men is almost stand-up comedy. Catholic commenters of this site have justified this bias by telling readers, "Jesus had no women among his 12 disciples." We don't really know if that is true or not. No one who claims to be an author in the Bible has ever said he personally knew Jesus and, certainly, has not claimed to have seen the 12 men claimed in the Bible. Another explanation I heard on You Tube from a preacher in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is that Adam, a man, came before Eve, a woman. Therefore, men come before women in the ranking of importance in the faith. This LCMS You Tube site interviews women who hold non preaching posts in the denomination. All the women I have watched interviewed do not like their secondary ranking in the denomination. 

Women are thought to be important in influencing children to stay in the faith. Now they are leaving.  


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