Did Hollywood Create Support for Same Sex Marriage

It always amusing to read a Christian pundit's version of why people leave the faith or stay in the faith but accept new ideas as not sinful. It's a process that has been going on I suppose since the beginning of "sin."

The cause-and-effect of social change is something studied carefully in academic settings. Those studying this subject, however, often run into a brick wall when they present to the public what they have found. The average person thinks he/she also is an expert. Conventional wisdom is strong competition to academic scholarship.

The link is an example of conventional wisdom hiding in religious punditry. The writer explains the "causes" of same-sex marriage acceptance. The "problem" began, he writes with an increase in divorces. This "damaged" respect for marriage. Lack of respect for marriage later helped bring on approval of same-sex marriage. What nonsense. 

The increase in the divorce rate came when people found they need not remain in an unhappy marriage. When one cheated the other filed for divorce instead of continuing to live with a cheating spouse. We all know many divorced couples and know why divorces happen. They have nothing to do with "reduced respect for marriage." They happen because people want to get divorced. 

The writer then moves on to every Christian pundit's favorite enemy, "Hollywood." Gay people and gay marriage, he writes, moved the needle of acceptance. Here we have to note "Hollywood" is a business, many businesses. These businesses have one purpose, to make money. They make money by properly gauging what the public wants to see on screens. That gay characters and gay marriage appeared on screens happened because the public enjoyed seeing this topic portrayed, not because "Hollywood" had some agenda other than making money. 

The author then brings up another ridiculous notion, that laws permitting same sex marriage increased support. Yes, there may be a sliver of change when laws change but the reason same sex laws changed was the same reason Hollywood changed. The public changed and Hollywood and elected officials came along later. 

Reading Christian pundits is entertaining. It is not enlightening. 


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