Joshua Did Not Win the Battle of Jericho
The Battle of Jericho is so far fetched it is now regarded as fiction in some standard textbooks used in university courses in religion. Joshua did not win the Battle of Jericho because Jericho did not exist at the time the "battle" was supposed to have taken place. Scholars have figured out when the story about the Jews heroic retaking of Canaan was written. It was written about 600 years after it was supposed to have happened. Thus, the story was not written from eye witness reports. Nor was it written by those who had personally known eye witnesses. It is religious propaganda. In Joshua 10:40 we learn Joshua defeated to whole land of Canaan. In Deuteronomy 13:1 we learn the Lord said the Canaanites still held lots of the country. In the Book of Joshua the Jews took the city of Hazor and put a sword through every resident. In Judges, Hazor still belongs to the Canaanites. There are several cities mentioned in the "battle" for Canaan which archaeologists say ...