Why Can't Christians and Jews Get Over the Moses Fiction
Unfortunately for the faith, there was no exodus from Egypt, vacation in the desert nor Battle of Jericho. The Jews were not returning to Canaan because they had never left.
For many decades archaeologists have been looking for traces, anything, that might give credence to the story of Moses. Politicians in Israel would benefit by this story. If God really gave Israel to the Jews they could use it to justify their harassment of others who live there.
Many excavations deep into the sands of the desert where the Jews were supposed to have been are now complete. Nothing. No trash, no bones of animals eaten nor pieces of metal which was available at that time. Besides all of that, there are towns listed in the Bible which archaeologists know did not exist when the exodus was supposed to have happened. The story of the exodus was written for political purposes long after the time it was alleged to have happened.
This leads to the obvious question about Christianity. If the foundation stories of the Jews was an entire fabrication, what are we to believe New Testament stories arguably more far fetched than Moses parting the seas? For anyone with an ounce of skepticism, the entire Bible is a hard sell.
There is evidence others, even self-identified Christians, are not very interested in the Bible. I
have seen many Pentecostal churches who do not display the cross. The prosperity gospel guy, Joel Osteen, lifts up the Bible at the beginning of his shows but, I have heard, seldom mentions it again.
I've been traveling a lot this past week or so and have noticed the Gideon Bibles are not present in the rooms of some newer motel chains. I have seen Korans along with Bibles in motel rooms. There are stickers one can buy from the Freedom From Religion Foundation ready to paste on Bibles warning readers the material in the Bible is not fit for children. Motels may be deciding people can read Bibles at church.
While many in the faith will cling to the notion Moses and the exodus were historical facts, myth busting may be taking its toll.
The evidence for the Moses Exodus is real. Jon, you can save your dismissal of this man's research as I already know it is coming. https://reformjudaism.org/exodus-not-fiction
ReplyDelete"The evidence of the Moses Exodus is real. Jon, you can save your dismissal of this man's research as I already know it is coming." For the uptenth time, you posted a link that does not say what you claimed it says. The link does not say "the Moses Exodus is real." It says the exodus could have happened even though there is not evidence. Further, he said what I have said here numerous times, people were moving in and out of Egypt all during this time. The author does not believe the story called the Exodus involved the large group of people as claimed in the Bible but a small subset. Most of those Jews in Canaan at the time did not go to Egypt he says. The Sienna Desert has a variety of terrains. There are sheltered areas, areas with water and so on. Excavation have been made in the areas most likely to have hosted the Jews. Not a sign. So, it there were half a dozen Jews who were enslaved in Egypt and went back to where they came from in Canaan I guess you are free to call it "The Exodus." Most scholars agree Jews were in Canaan the entire time and rose to dominate for a while.
ReplyDelete“Anyone who cites a work of historical fiction as if it were a history text is a practicing pseudohistorian.”, http://www.skepdic.com/pseudohs.html .
DeleteThe Christians here (not everywhere) love pseudohistory. I've decided to call those Christians who consider pseudohistory to be real history practitioners pseudologic. Their pseudologic says, "God wrote the Bible. If some of it does not conform to logic or known history it is up to the challenger to prove it is wrong because God is perfect and would not publish a lie. Now, sometimes the Bible makes no sense even to us believers. Catholic clergy were assigned by Jesus the task of explaining the obtuse or unrealistic things in the Bible. To Protestants, authors with a long history of explaining the Bible in ways popular with those in the pews and who, themselves, believe it was written by God are the only legit sources of explanation as to what it was supposed to have meant."
ReplyDeleteJon; You have proven time after time you are not qualified to explain much of that which is contained in the Bible, both in context, and Greek / Hebrew language. Evidence that atheists do not know the Bible more than many Christians. (Let me qualify that). There are many Christians that are equally inept in knowledge of the Bible as there are atheists.