"What the Bible Means" is the Most Used Phrase in Christianity

I read with amusement an argument going on within the Southern Baptist Convention. This argument is somewhat important because the SBC is the largest Protestant denomination. It has churches across the U.S. and in many other countries.

To those who might not follow the marketing and politics of Christianity, the SBC stood squarely against integration during our period of segregation. Interracial marriage was the biggest sin going on back then.

It dropped resistance against integration when it became obvious that was stupid and recently had a black SBC President. Homosexuality and gay marriage moved up as the leading sin. Now it is becoming obvious that is also a stupid position so some movement is underway to change the denomination's approach to the issue.

A year of so ago a new President, JD Greear, was elected in the SBC. I noticed immediately he did not appear in the mandatory suit and tie that all SBC officials wear. He appeared wearing an open collar. Something must be up, I thought.

Sure enough, a few days ago he published an article explaining the Apostle Paul listed homosexuality among a list of sins and did not designate it as the worst sin. Liberals have been pointing this out for years and have had no success until now in getting the likes of the SBC to notice.

Predictably, there was an immediate response from the more conservative wing. This commentator launched into a "what the Bible means" sermon. He admitted Paul included homosexuality (there are questions even about what Paul was referring to) in a list of other sins but Paul meant, he writes, for readers to pick out the most destructive of that list and treat it as the most serious. Of course, in the writers opinion (not shared by Paul), homosexuality is the most destructive in the list and thus should not be blown off like the others.

"What the Bible means" remains as it always has been, a moving target. The conservative Christianity needle follows public opinion and it is coming around into alignment once again.


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