What is the Most Corrupt Catholic Diocese in the U.S.
There is a steady flow of cases of child abuse and missing money out of Catholic Church. Every other month the Freedom From Religion Foundation publishes news reports about cases pending and those settled for churches of all kinds. It seems fair to say that the raw number of child abuse cases involving priests is smaller since they are now being reported to law enforcement. It is sick that it took a scandal stop the common practice of shifting priests around instead of prosecuting them.
Of the dioceses scandals that still make the news, a few stand stand out to me. One is Chicago where fiscal and moral personnel management seem absent. Pennsylvania released a stunning number of abuse cases. Another is Buffalo, N.Y.
The Buffalo diocese has had a steady stream of allegations and counter allegations. Many of them have been between male adults but involved the powerful imposing their will on the less powerful.
The link accuses Bishop Richard Malone of hunkering down, stonewalling and believing he can ride out the controversies without resigning or taking these matter seriously. In a New York State senior position is none other than Cardinal Timothy Dolan, formerly of Milwaukee. During his time in Milwaukee, the Bishop Dolan hide money in a cemetery trust fund in order to shield it from sex abuse lawsuits. Courts in the end did not allow such a dishonest scheme. Don't expect much moral improvement from Dolan.
This past year, Pope Francis initiated a reform that was suppose to clean house. However, it left action up to the very people who have been the problem all along, the Bishops. If Bishops are determined not to make reforms there will be none.
The contest for most corrupt diocese has lots of competition.
Apparently a component of the final solution to the scandals described as, “sanitizing the seminaries and some dioceses”, is still a work in progress. Mr. Noah also stated in that 09/08/2019 post, “The sex abuse problem in the Catholic Church is not so much a child molestation issue as it is a homosexual adult-adult problem.”. As an outsider I would have to take exception with that assessment and reply, oh yes it is very, very much a child molestation issue. I’m not overly concerned with two consenting adult males or females privately engaging in some hanky-panky even if one or both is violating an oath of celibacy. They say we are all “fallen”, priests and nuns included. However, “Sexual orientation is not a risk factor for crime.”, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201003/six-myths-about-clergy-sexual-abuse-in-the-catholic-church . Sexual abuse is about abuse of power. If nothing else the history of the Catholic Church, other denominations as well, is about power, divine or otherwise. “Religion is the last refuge of human savagery.”, A.N. Whitehead.
ReplyDeleteSince when am I worthy of being quoted twice by followers of this blog? No wonder my ears were burning this morning.
DeleteArdy B When Noah wrote that the priest "problem" had more to do with homosexuality between consenting adults than with child abuse I rolled my eyes. That was the upteenth eye roll--he is a man so out of touch he can't see it from here. Child abuse is a problem. Adult male romance is not. There is a theory, supported anecdotally, that homosexuality is over represented compared to the general population. We'll never know since we don't even know for certain how common it is outside of the clergy. We're back to the age old question, does religion accomplish more good than bad or visa versa.
ReplyDeleteJon, you are running out of new material. How many times have you regurgitated the cemetery fund story?
DeleteAs for your, "Pennsylvania released a stunning number of abuse cases.", you really should be truthful. I believe the lingo of the day, is either credibly accused priests or or simply accused priests. The majority of those Pennsylvania "cases" will never go to trial as the priests are long dead. Of the remaining cases, those "stunning number" will probably see less than a handful go to trial. So, "stunning" goes to 3 or 4.
Perhaps you will one day share the list of Pennsylvania priests who were found guilty of sexual crimes where their Bishop tried to cover up the crime. You can start now. Perhaps even one name?
Matt--Are you running out of material. You keep justifying Cardinal Dolan's hiding money in a cemetery fund so it would not be available to sexual abuse victims. Pope Benedict thought this dirty trick was so great he promoted Dolan to Cardinal. I don't have the name of a living convicted child molester from among the priests in Pennsylvania. Most of them died after being moved from parish to parish. I should write a letter to Pope Benedict telling him of your unwavering defense of corruption in his church.
ReplyDeleteName one convicted priest, dead or alive. For that matter, can you even name one priest who was credibly accused?
DeleteNothing in my post above about Cardinal Dolan, justification or any what you accuse me of saying.
Nothing in your last post is truthful except, "I don't have the name of a living convicted child molester from among the priests in Pennsylvania."
Matt--My blog said, "Pennsylvania released a stunning number of abuse cases." That is a truthful statement. Apparently you do not believe there were an abuse cases in Pennsylvania. The New York Times reported at least 1,000 children were abused. If you have never heard about this and want to know about it you can read for yourself: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/14/us/catholic-church-sex-abuse-pennsylvania.html
DeleteIf you both are not Catholics then we don’t care what yourtake is. Homosexual clergy are to blame for all the rot. They are not true shepherds. It’s not their money
DeleteWho cares what disgusting Jon Lindgren thinks?