Christian Activist: Sin Is Causing Severe Weather

According to a woman who appears periodically on the Jim Bakker Christian TV show, Mary Cobert, the idea that climate change is causing extreme weather is not true. Satan is tricking people into believing bad weather is caused by climate change when it is really caused by sin she tells us.

Many Christian readers here probably will point out that she does not represent orthodox Christian thinking. Real Christianity, they will say, does not say such a thing. Her Christianity and theirs' are two different things will be their take.

Those of us nonbelievers tend to roll our eyes about both the lady talking of sin and other Christians who deny she accurately represents the faith. Who has the ultimate authority to decide what constitutes the faith? No one.

If you are one of those who thinks she is nuts and think only yours is the rational version of Christian beliefs, I think you need a little introspection. You take your faith out of the same book she does. That leaves you partly responsible for what she claims as the truth.

How responsible you are one can only speculate. Are you 10% responsible or 50%? One thing is certain, your number is not zero.  Only atheists and people of other religions can claim zero.

We see this in the religion of Islam. There is a branch of that faith which was responsible for 9/11. The Muslim people I know tell me those in that group are outliers in the faith--they do not represent the religion of Islam. While I believe those I know who say they have nothing in common with terrorists, they receive their faith from the same religious tome as the terrorists. If they were atheists they would be removed entirely from responsibility.

Any Christian who believes a.) there is such a thing as "sin" and b.) believes sin is punished is part of the foundation for those who think storms are punishment for sin. Such beliefs avoid dealing with the evidence humans contribute to climate change.

All Christians would serve their cause well by regarding the Bible as folk literature. Clearing their minds of the notion it is the "word of God" would help people understand it is humans' responsibility to figure out the path forward.


  1. Are you saying one side should cast the law aside and"rise up and do a "cleansing"? Naw, Give them enough time, and they shall be exposed as was Bakker and many others too numerous to mention. By their fruits yada yada.

  2. I think God is pleased with Jim Bakker. I just read his net worth us $500,000. Surely he was broke when he came out of prison.


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