Religious Genises Find Satanic Messages in the Popular Culture

When I saw the headline that Taylor Swift's performances of music had messages about Satanic rituals it reminded me of the how many times preachers/politicians who own a pulpit have thought they were brilliant at interpreting art. Of course, why shouldn't they think this when they have stood for hours in front of people telling them what "this scripture means." I wish my brain were not so old and could remember all the times I've heard of preachers/politicians declaring this or that to be a Satanic or sin-filled message. Some come to mind. One was the famous song done by Peter, Paul and Mary, Puff the Magic Drago n. Neither the singers nor the composer knew Puff referred to illegal drugs. But some Christians knew. Probably there are religious people who blame all drug use on poor Puff. Another whacko one was Jerry Falwell declaring that Tinky-Winky, a Teletubby character, was gay. It's not only that Tinky-Winky was gay, but Tinky-Winky was recruiting little ch...