Car Crash Deaths are Going Up. Where is "Right to Life?"
When I've discussed deaths from car crashes before, over 30,000 per year, commenters have said, "They just happen. They cannot be compared to the intentional death of a baby (when it is one fertilized cell)." These comments are nonsense. Engineers design roads, elected people set speed limits and budgets for enforcement and allow cell phones and in dashboard screens knowing full well deaths will result. They simply do what is popular regardless of loss of life. "Every life" is not sacred." The cause of the new spike in deaths is caused by "driver distraction" and "speed." It's ridiculous to claim these deaths are inevitable.
The reason "right to life" does not care about deaths in car crashes is there is no villain to demonize. Or, almost worse, the villain is themselves and all of us. How do you raise money if you demonize those who write checks.
I learned at my parent knees about Christian politics. I recall as a child my dad coming home from the meeting at church. He was chuckling. Apparently, there had been a freewheeling discussion of sin. This sin and that came up for review and condemnation. Then someone suggested too much coffee, which Swedes love, might be a sin. "No," a pious Uncle of my dad's said. "Coffee is no sin. I like it." That Christain lesson has now been passed along to four generations of our family--maybe it will live forever.
Alcohol we know has always contributed to highway deaths. This has now been surpassed by eell phone and dash board screen distraction. I don't recall a public statement by any right to life group condemning driving under the influence. You can bet none will condemn cell phone use in cars. Where is the money in that?
This constant maneuvering to protect revenue has come back to bit right to life. Today it is seen as focused entirely on taking rights away from women. If it had been, throughout its history, actually concerned with human life they might be better off today. The Bible warns against the way money changes one's values the reasoning. We can see that in right to life every day.
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