The Bureaucratic Dance Between German Catholics and Rome
German Catholics had scheduled a vote on allowing same sex blessings knowing full well the vote would approve. Rome knew the vote would approve as well. So, Rome sent a letter directing the vote be delayed. A German Archbishop said that, yes, the vote could be delayed.
But, the Archbishop, in some of the best flowerily language I've seen, said talks between Rome and Germany need to take place. He has given several possible dates for such talks and Rome has been unable to schedule.
On top of that is the little game of "Synology." This refers to receiving input from across the religion about religious matters. The Pope has an on-going Synology project going worldwide. Germany has one in Germany. Obviously, the one in Germany has yielded strong support for Catholic blessing of same sex marriage. There is an outrageously funny public statement by the German Archbishop that in matters of Synology Germany and Rome are on the same page. No, they are not and the Archbishop knows it. He seems confident he will back Rome down.
I think the reason the German Archbishop is so confident is that he knows Rome absolutely cannot allow the German Catholic church to form a new and entirely separate denomination, the German Catholic Church. But Germany could do that. It has the money and a huge infrastructure.
How has Germany come to see gay marriage as within the boundaries of Catholic theology? And, how could Rome come to accept gay marriage? It's not that hard. Both just have to split theological hairs as they have done for two thousand years. It looks to me like the Pope has been preparing the world for an accommodation with Germany. Rome has dropped the notion marriage is only about creating baby Catholics and is about two people taking care of each other. Also, marriage has been changed to something shared with God, not just a contract.
The revision about rules for divorced and remarried Catholics has shown the way to accommodate gay marriage. Priests are to determine what is in the hearts of people and that's that. Get ready for something like that in the Catholic Church worldwide.
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