President Trump Expressed Support for 16 Week Abortions
Forced Birth sites exploded like the 4th of July fireworks when someone said that Trump said in a conversation something like, "Let's go with 16 weeks. It's an even four months." Sixteen weeks would allow nine out of ten abortions to be legal. Add to that abortions allowed because of rape, life threats to the mother and fetuses with no survival and he has moved quite far from Mississippi and Texas. Forced Birthers want no abortions. Let the fun begin.
Anyone who follows politics at all understands why Trump has brought up 16 weeks. While one might say, "Forced birth people put him in office. He needs them again to win." From his perspective, however, the conclusion is, "Forced birth people burned their bridges with both Democrats and independents. They have nowhere to go except me. They will support 16 weeks."
One has the recall Trump's logic. It is that people make deals with each other and loyalty toward him prevails. He thinks that because he once did you a favor he owns you forever. He, however, has the option of throwing you under the bus. This makes sense to him because he is important, you are not.
His thinking leads to the view that even if you are one who believes killing the fetus anytime after conception is murder, you will understand and support allowing the murder for 16 weeks. Because he needs this for his politics, he expects you to give him a pass. If past experience can be used to predict the future, you, the forced birth supporter, will vote for him even with his 16 week proposal.
The other thing Trump has said recently is that he really is not advocating 16 weeks. He says he can get forced birth and women's rights to sit around a table and come up with a compromise that "will please everyone." He sounds like a stand-up comedian. If such groups would ever meet to "work out a compromise," which is unlikely by itself, they likely would likely just shout at each other. There is always the possibility of fake meeting, a theatrical performance, with hired stooges who pretend to represent each side. A real meeting of legitimate people? No.
To those forced birth people who think Trump will save your sinking ship you are out of luck. Captain Trump has already taken the only lifeboat that was on board and is gone.
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