Trump Created Alabama's Invitro Prohibition
When the gullible and uninformed Donald Trump appointed judges who promised to overturn Roe, he put in place the necessary legal ingredients for an Alabama court to ban the flushing of fertilized eggs. Millions of those fertilized eggs sit in freezers, mostly they will not be used to implant pregnancies. The inability to destroy unused fertilized eggs means doctors and clinics can no longer take the risk of freezing them for couples. It seems the end of invitro in Alabama. If the concept spreads it has the potential of being the end to invitro in several states.
The logic of Alabama is straight forward. If one fertilized cell is a human being, then destroying it is murder. End of story. That couples want to have babies is not important. One fertilized cell is.
A well-known conservative publication says it is an overstatement of the case to say it will stop invitro fertilization. It says some fertilized eggs were dropped and the parents who were to use them were wronged and are suing. Ultimately, however, it admits the cases puts "life" of a fertilized egg in the same category as life of an adult. Once this argument is in play there is no limit on where this argument can be made. If, later on, it is found a sperm cell carries the same reasons for "life," laws against masturbation will be the result. If the arbitrary decision is made that at the moment of conception a human being exists what limits other arbitrary decisions.
Politicians like Trump and Nikki Haley, who say they will work out a "compromise", are laughable. There was no compromise in the deep South about slavery and segregation. God had spoken, slavery and segregation were what God wanted. Both had to be forced onto the deep South. When it was forced, politicians quickly adjusted their views. Lester Maddox in Georgia and George Wallace found themselves at peace with the new reality. Trump has already shifted toward tolerance of abortion and one can count on more.
In my crystal ball I see a Biden victory this fall as well as Democrats having good majorities in the two houses. Further the crystal ball sees Judge Thomas leaving the Supreme Court and being replaced by a persuasive liberal. This will be followed by some shifting in the other judges. A good couple of years is in store for abortion rights.
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