Biblical Role of Women in the Church

Religion, all the religions of the world, have always been in constant flux with churning and confrontations inside their walls. At least that is how is appears to me. Humans ventured or were forced out of their old geographical confines and settled elsewhere. In the new place they started new gods and forgot about the old ones. I would guess that in every single case the new god, created in the minds of the relocated tribe, approved of the people who believed in it. Something just like that process is happening today. There are people leaving their former god, maybe creating something new, and people changing what their current god thinks. In all cases, the god approves and loves the people who created the god in their minds. A perfect example is found in a series of articles now being released by mega Christian author, Rick Warren ( The Purpose Driven Life ). Warren has been very successful at not only selling books but preaching and establishing a series of churches in Californ...