Who Are the Return-Abortion-to-the-States Republicans
Fromer Congresswoman Liz Cheney just placed an anti-Trump ad in New Hampshire. It appears she intends to run in one or more Republican primaries. The ad is far more biting against Trump than anything Christy has said or done.
She has always called herself "prochoice." But, she adds, it is an issue to be left to the states. This is the same position Trump has taken recently. Certainly, it is not the position of much of prolife politics nor that of several Supreme Court members. They want to control women with a nation-wide ban on abortion. As political theater, this is another fascinating slicing and dicing of the Republican vote. The first slicing was anti-abortion/more government vs women's rights/less government. Now the anti-abortion/more government is being sliced again. Cheney is slicing off state by state abortion rights from the national abortion ban group.
I think Cheney's thinking goes like this: She cannot win the nomination. But, she is thinking, someone else will mount a nationwide campaign against Trump. That Trump challenger can only win if she picks off some states where Trump has trouble. She will not campaign in Iowa, N.D. or Mississippi. New Hampshire is a good state to test her theory. There are other well-known Republicans besides Trump and Cheney who believe abortion should be left to the individual states.
This battle between the ban and leave it to states and Trump's problems benefit Biden and liberal in two ways. First, of course, is that most abortions are now happening even through abortion is banned in some states. Women are traveling or getting pills underground.
Second, if Trump is not the nominee will he ask his supporters to vote for the choses Republican nominee? If his "Biden stole the election" obsession is any indication, the odds are he will sabatoge the chosen nominee by telling supporters not to vote for him/her. Already behind in the popular vote, this will put a Republican President out of reach.
One thing is certain, Cheney has some cards to play but will not show them yet.
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