Two More Political Failures for Anti Abortion

Bible Belt South Carolina and milk toast Nebraska failed to pass draconian anti-abortion measures. More and more in state legislatures, women of both parties are squaring off against Republican men. This is the perfect political theater for abortion rights to win. The tally is now eight wins.

Abortion rights has rightfully become the canary in the mine. If you are a woman, or, a man with a female partner and you both have plans for a career and family, what would you use as an indicator of a state where the woman would have the best opportunities? The best indicator would be abortion rights. The same with nationwide groups deciding where to hold their annual convention. Goodbye states with right wing religion in their governor's chair and legislature. 

Not directly related, but local news here all carried a story about a high school scholar who, along with several other kids, received awards from our religious right Governor. She lately has been on her high horse about what books should and should not be allowed in public schools in her state. There was a ceremony where the Governor handed a scholarship award to each kid, took a smiling picture with the kid and then on to the next. A young man was up next wearing a T shirt with the big words, "I READ BANNED BOOKS." Governor did not smile in his picture and much was made over her angry look.

While there are always surprises, it does not look like the trend of women flexing their political muscles for abortion rights is going away. There is already figure pointing, even from Donald Trump.

I was not expecting states that already had abortion rights to make abortions even easier to obtain. That happened first in California. That led to Minnesota and then to Illinois. The political switch of Bible Belt states Georgia and South Carolina are two of the most unexpected benefits to women's abortion rights. 

Surely there were many thousands, maybe millions, of prayers that the politics of abortion would not swing in favor of women and abortion rights. There are roadside signs around here which say, "Prayer Works." Someone needs to put a question mark on every one of those signs.   


  1. Statistics prove people are fleeing Democrat controlled, abortion on demand blue states for pro-life, red, freedom-loving states by the tens of thousands.

  2. “Prayer Works” advertisements.

    Christianity retains a broadly secular framework of moral thought and action, including the profit motive and greed.

    1. Some, yes. But the vast majority of Christians ain't in it for the money. BTW, where is this money?

    2. “BTW, where is this money?”

      I don’t have a clue what the balance sheets of the Catholic Church’s healthcare, insurance, education, and salvation businesses look like.


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