Prolife Leaders are Bending the Knee to Trump
For all their holier-than-thou rhetoric, forced birth political operatives like Ralph Reed will be dropping their demand for a national ban on abortion. They are dropping it because Trump wants them to drop it.
Reed's comment was that (paraphrasing) "We want a nation-wide ban on abortion. But, for practical political reasons, we are supporting the Trump position of bans by states instead of a national ban." Reed's waffling position is exactly what we who want equal rights for women want him to make. It simultaneously frightens people across the country while disappointing forced birth zealots. Perhaps a few of the latter will not vote while the former will be motivated to vote. A good formula for upcoming elections.
Trump said publicly after Roe was reversed and some states started to ban abortion while various operatives advocated a national ban that all this was carrying opposition to abortion too far. Many abortion operatives thought Trump was ready to carry the ban-abortion-nationally flag for them. Now, they are forced to back down on this position that had not been stated by Trump but others had stated on his behalf. The tricky part for those like Reed, who make a good living catering to both the states' rights anti-abortion zealots and the ban-abortion-nationwide zealots. is they need to take two opposing positions at the same time.
If the public in general saw abortion as murder there would be almost no abortions even if it were not against the law. /The fact is, the majority of voters does not see the fetus as a human being and does not see abortion as murder. Trying to force conforming to a religious view by making it law is exactly what the founding fathers wanted to avoid.
The founding fathers exhibited a lot of wisdom when setting up this country. Instead of bending a knee to Trump, religious people would serve our country better by paying close attention to the founder's desire to keep government and religion separate.
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