Missionaries Adapt to Local Cultures. Do it here
In the Bible, Paul says that to convert others to the faith, fit in and act like you are one of them. It's OK to deceive, to ignore one of the Ten Commandments, as long as it's sells the faith. Pope Benedict told Chinese Bishops his church is not in China to change its government. Pope Francis follows the same policy saying almost nothing about China. All of this is different than the conservative Catholic/Protestant strategy in the U.S. Here, the Christian zealot preaches against the prevailing culture, points out its sins and condemns loudly. It's like they arrived from a different country to change this one.
To some extent, the character in the Bible called Jesus advocated selflessness. This was to give to the poor, heal the sick (and don't send a bill), the good Samaritan, etc. There was also the control element, Jesus said bow to me or you are toast. The appealing part of the character, however, was not the Jesus with a whip but the Jesus with a message was selflessness.
Much of "the conservative Christian mission," today, is about taking over society, taking money and passing laws that benefit the faith's organizations and male leaders. All the while making others worse off. The President of Union Theological Seminary wrote an article pointing out folly of those in Christianity preaching control, condemnation and limiting rights. He explains young people today see the loud right-wing politicians and clergy as unattractive and directly contrary to what they perceive the faith to be about.
The President of Union certainly presents more hope for the faith than does the President of a Southern Baptist seminary, Albert Mohler. But the die of Christianity has been cast. There is no way to miss the brick wall it is headed for.
This is because those who speak for the broad swath called "Christianity" are most often these days Republican politicians. These men consider themselves absolutely correct about what the faith stands for. They are so absurd they make perfect material for news headlines. Redistricting has allowed more and more of these whackos to be elected so more of there is more strange religious talk. There seems no end to redistricting mischief and thus no end to the downward spiral of the faith.
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