Why Are Many Republican Women Turning Abortion Rights

To understand why many Republican women are leaving the anti abortion camp and moving across the street to where "God's Worst Enemy" lives, abortion rights, we have to look at the long arch of abortion politics. I have on my shelf a book written by a woman who visited several countries where abortion is illegal. In most places women in prosperous urban areas were not concerned about abortion. It was easily available to them even though "illegal." Probably there is some thinking like that in North Dakota. "Abortion is available a few minutes away in Minnesota so why worry?"

I know women in Fargo who had abortions when it was illegal before the Roe v Wade decision. They had to travel but could do so. 

Now, however, in some states where abortion was legal before the overturn of Roe it has become increasingly difficult to travel to where abortion is available. Upper middle class women who before could navigate getting an abortion for themselves or for their daughters now faced more hurdles than before. They are making a new political calculation. The calculation is that now restrictions on getting an abortion affect me. They were not concerned when other women could not get abortions because they knew they could. Those men, the jerks, are in the way of me living my life. They have rattled the wrong cage. 

In articles I read about this, Republican women often say they are not part of "women's lib" and that they are "prolife." Their version of that these terms mean, however, is a little different than what has existed before. The term "life" includes their own personal life. They don't like the connotation of "women's liberation" but they like the concept of they, themselves, taking charge of their lives and considering themselves independent and rational in thought. 

What we know is the 2022 election showed "suburban women" were not in the Republican camp the way they were in previous elections. A few minutes ago I saw an interview with one of the many Republicans coming to Iowa trying to secure the Republican nomination for President. I can't even remember this guy's name--he was introduced as a "successful Texas businessman." The local TV guy pressed him on what should be done to stop the killings with "AK" weapons. He talked around a lot and then said, "We all need to pray."

I don't think praying will bring back Republican women who want abortion available to themselves and their daughters.


  1. did you now that the city of SanAntonio TX just voted down a pro-abort ordinance 72-28.

    1. tsm "did you know San Antonio TX just voted down a pro-abort ordinance 72-28."

      You called it a pro abortion measure. I don't know much about it except local news coverage did not consider the abortion part to be the most important part:

      "While anti-abortion groups also opposed the charter amendment, the most well-funded opposition centered on the expansion of cite-and-release policy. Opponents said it would embolden people to steal."


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