No Casseroles for Mental Illness
A wonderful article relates the experience of a devout Christian. A friend was diagnosed with cancer at the same time she was diagnosed with a mental illness. Church members sent food and support to her friend. She suffered in silence.
I recall watching Pat Robertson's 700 Club 20 years ago. A talented young woman was his co-host. She disappeared. When she came back as a guest months later, she was not interviewed by Pat but by a new host. She said she had suffered severe depression and advised viewers to get professional help. Pat came on and was visibly unhappy. Mental illness is a human flaw like sin that needs Jesus, not doctors.
I've never seen this discussed, by I think the prejudice some Christians have against gays and trans people comes from the same flawed mythology. People's minds are full of sin. Sin can be conquered by kneeling before Jesus. Gay or trans are just another version of sin. Pray the gay away. Illnesses like cancer deserve sympathy. Mental illness and same sex attraction both deserve the scorn of sinners. They can change by submitting to the required myths.
So often, Christianity is praised for starting hospitals and shelters. The harm done by ancient hatred and prejudice is just winked at and forgotten.
We should not be surprised when Christianity turns its fangs on people who think differently or have mental illness. We need only go back the Galileo and recall the Pope at the time proclaimed the sun moved over a stationary earth. When Galileo made light of the Pope's myth he was put under house arrest for life. Today the Catholic church repeats the myth that abortion is more dangerous than giving birth. It preaches the divorced and remarried are living in sin. It calls birth control a sin. That there is little to no support for families with mental illness is a continuation of a misguided mythology.
While rallying around local people who suffer cancer and accidents is a fine thing, the same support for families where mental illness is present would be a welcome improvement.
Yup, it all seems to boil down to sin, which is the belief that humans are basically evil and only a splash of water from the front of a church can begin the “healing “ process.