Inmates Would Benefit from Atheist Groups in Jails

I often read about Christian groups who go to jails and hold services or their version of counseling sessions. Sheriffs who run county jails compliment these Christian groups saying inmates who take part are often easier to control. There is no evidence that inmates who receive Christian training are any better off for that experience than non Christians. The rate of inmates who have participated in "Christian training" are released and return to jail is no better than those who have not participated. I know there have been overtures made to the Cass County ND Sheriff to allow opportunities for atheist groups to hold meetings in the Cass County Jail. I understand those overtures have not been well received. In Iowa, one of the State's prisons has developed an active atheist group . This is the Ft. Dodge Correctional Facility. A member of the Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers Society holds meetings regularly inside the prison. A library with atheist reading mate...