The Pope Will Hold a Conference on Clergy Abuse

The Pope announced recently that he has summoned the Presidents of Bishops from countries around to world to a conference where Bishops are to address the problem of sexual abuse. It is scheduled for February, 2019. Maybe the Pope will announce some far reaching reform or maybe Bishops will recommend reforms themselves.

So far, the response to the on going abuse cases can be summarized as follows: (1.) All professions have some of this so whats the big deal? (2.) Catholics are the victims of a press that has turned on them. (3.) This problem has been solved by screening of clergy so stop talking about it. (4.) This is a conspiracy to take all the wealth and property the church has accumulated and give it to victims . (5.) Those who committed these crimes were treated by in house experts and are now OK. (6.) We are praying for the victims and could pray more if need be.

Perhaps there are others but these are the ones I recall and, of course, I put my own cynical twist to them. While I am guilty of being suspicious, I don't see how even the most devout Catholic can deny that Bishops covered up abuse, committed abuse and schemed to make church rules fit selfish agendas. There are plenty of stories in the world of Protestant churches as well.

The usual topic of a conference like this is to discuss sexual practices and condemn those the clergy usually condemns. A refreshing approach would be to declare Catholic clergy are no long authorities on sex of any variety and will not longer discuss this topic. After chest beating for a thousand years that clergy are experts in sex it would be a genuine reform to decide they are not.

But, it would be the correct thing to do.


  1. Here is what the Church teaches. Not all follow it. Ergo, sin.

    1. Homosexual expression is sinful.
    2. Extra-marital sexual intercourse is sinful.
    3. Sex is a gift from God for (1) procreation, and (2) to express love for one another.
    4. Masturbation is sinful.
    5. Artificial contraception is sinful.
    6. Marriage is between man and woman.
    7. Rape, incest and sexual abuse are sinful.
    8. Sin is forgivable through the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession.

    I'm sure there are more examples.

    Following those precepts and teachings listed above will lead to a much happier and fulfilling life.

    1. "Following those precepts and teachings ..will lead to a much happier and fulfilling life."

      This is the opinion of the church, not something found by surveying people about their happiness. Number 7 is mostly a crime. Number 2 often has victims. The other five are just efforts to control people.

    2. Control, or self-control as the examples I provided, usually lead to much happier and fulfilling life. Being true to one's spouse, or rather the lack of it, has been the downfall of millions of marriages and the break-up of families. It destabilizes children and affects them their whole life. STDs become nearly a thing of the past if people would remain sexually pure. Promiscuity has led to increased healthcare costs, disability and death. Ever heard of HIV/AIDs? Or are you in favor of death over chastity?

      The left is very predictable. They are like unruly children who demand constant attention and the fulfillment of anything they wish. Lust and promiscuity are not virtues.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Mark Anthony, thanks for your comment. I find them well thought-out and rationale; something which I find in short supply among *free* thinkers like Jon. With Jon there is always the animus towards religion unless it is a modern, liberal branch of Christianity. In short, I find Jon's arguments wholly predictable and without much thought, free or otherwise. Jon fancies himself an atheist but an atheist like Rob Port?

  2. Matt Noah 8:20 "Being true to one's spouse...has been the downfall has been the downfall of millions of marriages..."

    And we need the Catholic Church to tell us that. I would guess the rate of divorce or cheating on spouses is about the same for Christian people as it is for nonChristian people. As for the "happiness" ingredient you claim for Catholic rules, you are saying gay people are happier not being allowed to have a spouse for life. Maybe you could ask gay people if that is true. And then, of course, there is this artificial birth control rule--prohibited. Are you saying people who use artificial birth control are more unhappy than those who use it??

  3. Jon, "... I would guess ...". Why guess when you can research the data and come up with the conclusions? Afraid of the results?

    I am gay (happy, carefree, etc.). I am not homosexual. Most priests are heterosexual but celibate. If you think happiness is tied exclusively or predominantly to how many times you have intercourse, then that is a problem, for you. Some people equate money with happiness. That is a problem for them. If one is homosexual and wants to remain in an exclusive arrangement with someone for life, they have been doing that long before any state-recognized union made that possible. No need to bastardize the concept of marriage to one's will. As for your last question, the answer is yes, without any doubt.


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