Christianity Will Contract Unless it Reverses Attitude Toward Women

We know there are no female priests. Several brands of Protestantism also forbid women as clergy.

But that is only the beginning of the problem. At the very base of the Christian faith women are considered both worthless and sinful.

One of the huge influences in Christianity is Thomas Aquinas. He is from the 1200's and is the one who came up with that "natural law" business that is used for all kinds of selfish purposes. Aquinas had these kind words to say about women, "Every woman is birth-defective, an imperfect male, begotten because her father was ill, weakened or in a state of sin when she was conceived." As for a wife, Aquinas said she is "lower than the slave, wholly in subjection to her husband."

A few centuries later, nothing had changed. A 15th century ecclesiastical publication called The Rules of Marriage said a husband has every right to scold his wife and if that did not work he must "beat her soundly, to punish the body and correct the soul." It is necessary to beat her to save her soul and the husband will be praised for doing that.

Laws against abortion are a result of first the religious justification for controlling and insulting women and second to increase the number of religious followers ruled over by male leaders. Women were useful only if pregnant.

We can see the status of women in the anti abortion debate. Several branches will let a woman die if it means a fetus will live. Women who are pregnant due to rape are prevented from abortions in some circles.

Christianity has little future without making right these wrongs from both the past and present.


  1. Little did Aquinas know that all of us start out as female, those with a Y chromosome have a genetic switch that will begin the chemica/endocrine bath that turns the female into a male.

    The writings of Aquinas are obsolete and have little to no credibility, similar to the rcc.

  2. "Little did Aquinas know that all of us start female..."

    It's ironic that when I say there is no evidence of a god or any of the rest of it critics come to this website and say, "But what about the great thinker, Aquinas, and 'natural law?'" Yeah, what about it? He was at the same place intellectually as the flat earthers.

    1. "He was at the same place intellectually as the flat earthers." Excellent point Jon, Aquinas was centuries before any scientific advancement in medical knowledge.

      If I was having heart surgery, I want a top heart surgeon and not a medieval blood letter, bet the clergy feel the same way.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Mark Anthony "Aquinas might not have had his biology straight but he had a lot to say about metaphysics and philosophy."

      Women all are defective at birth. Women are tainted with sin because they were conceived in sin. This important metaphysics and philosophy. No, it's bull shoot.


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