The Pope Takes an Ancient Out, the "Devil" caused Pedophile Priests
When a man kills someone else the excuse sometimes is "I thought he was going to kill me." This is invisible threat of villain is as old as humans. Christians from ancient times have been especially skilled at diverting their own weaknesses and blaming something unseen and unheard. No one has ever seen the "Devil" or "Satan", yet they blame it for all kinds of nasty things. The Pope is now using that ancient myth to cover modern day crimes.
If there were a Satan or Devil here is the more likely mischief it would sneak in. It would put into the heads of people that they could control others by claiming some sort of divine credentials. The credential might be the person had heard directly from a god that he was supposed to lead others. Or, Satan could persuade some that Jesus told Peter to build a church on this rock and then those who Satan tricked could trick others into believing this really happened.
If the Pope were to reject the work of Satan I have just described he would tell the faithful, "We Catholic clergy have no business telling you intelligent lay people what the Bible or any other source of spiritual impulses mean. Each person needs to figure this out for himself. We clergy will not yield to the temptation of evil, Satan, who wants us to claim we are something more important than we really are."
Headlines about child abuse by priests is on going--today's is about another country. This is yet another country where a Satan, if there was one, has tricked Catholic clergy into thinking they are more important than they are and how they were entitled to pleasures others must do without.
There is no "Devil" and no "Satan". What happened in churches is simply a product of self serving men were able the trick the public into thinking they are a law unto themselves.
You can claim that you have never seen Satan. It is quite another thing to state that no one else has seen Satan or that no one else claims to have seen Satan. There are countless stories of people who claim to have seen Satan. The three children at Fatima, Portugal, were given a glimpse of Hell and that telling has been reduced to a portrait.
ReplyDeleteThere is no question that goodness is under attack by evil and vica versa. Thankfully, evil is under attack by good. But, your "good" is my "evil". I see the proliferation of Catholicism as good. You see it as evil. I see honesty as good. I see Christian morality as good. I see heterosexual marriage and living out one's vows as good. I see the priesthood as good.
Matt "The three children at Fatima, Portugal, were given a glimpse of Hell and that telling has been reduced to a portrait."
DeleteIt's always fun to hear a grown man tell fairly tales without a hint of doubt. A sociologist on Wikipedia noted that many hundreds of alleged apportions have been investigated by the church. Only 12 have received ecclesiastical approval. Nine of these were approved between 1830 and 1933, a period when there was political awareness in Rome that the people in the pews felt they had been disenfranchised by high Catholic officials and something appealing to the grass roots was needed.
There is a funny part where one of the children claims hell was full of fire and was somewhere under the earth. Let's see, might she have heard that from the Bible, her parents or her priests?
Where did the Pope learn Satan was causing priests to commit criminal sexual acts? He must have stopped by the fiery hell and chatted with Satan. That is the only way anyone could know it was Satan who caused the Priests to commit those criminal acts. Now, I'm speculating here because the Pope has never said how he knows this. Surely he would not make up such a far-fetched claim just to blame someone else and take the heat off of himself and the church for these things.
You claimed that "no one has ever seen the Devil or Satan" without a hint of doubt. I point to 3 children in Fatima who claim to have seen Hell. You mock me. Fine, better men than me have been mocked. The Church has given its approval to the miracle(s) at Fatima. The Church does this sparingly and after only copious amounts of research and testimony, something you sometimes refer to as "peer reviewed" research.
DeleteThe days of your mocking and ridiculing religious and spiritual belief is coming to a close. We are all given a brief time on earth. God does not prove things to modern men as He did to men at the time of Jesus Christ. Etched on your heart is the truth of what has been, what is and what will be. Do with the information as you will.
At least one person is commenting on your blog, besides yourself.
"Etched on your heard is the truth of what has been, what is and what will be. Do with the information as you will."
DeleteYou are not a young person yourself and face death in coming years as do I. Your life of taunting women who seek legal abortions will end some day and women will go getting abortions as they have been forever.
"Your life of taunting women who seek legal abortions ..." You really know little to nothing about me. One of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Do with the information as you will.