What is the Discipline of "Religious Studies"
I hope readers with an interest is the general topic of religion will take very few minutes to watch this video . The young man in the video posts videos about complex issues. This one reviews why there are so many different disciplines that study and publish research in religion. He points out many disciplines publish articles about religion including sociology, economics, psychology, history, anthropology, psychiatry and archeology as well as the "hard sciences" of health/medicine and physiology. I probably left out a few. The video does not discuss the people who make up a Department of Religion in a university. Many such people in the field of religion argue constantly about what are the "true beliefs" of various religions. Years ago I was on a panel discussion in Fargo about religion that included a physician who is a Muslim. He told the audience anyone who says Islam preaches killing others, infidels, is not part of the legitimate faith called Islam. A few ...