
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Economics of Going to College

Every week there is news of a small college closing or merging. Like churches, the survival of small colleges is swimming upstream. Change is not working in favor of either higher education or churches. The economics of both is flawed. I've discussed here often the economics of churches. Those in the pews who supply the money to run the place need to feel they get something worth as much or more than what the pay. The faith, in my opinion has over promised what donors get for their money--the gods and the "guaranteed" afterlife is now viewed with skepticism. Fewer children per family has hurt also but a good product should sell anyway, and it is not. Something similar has happened in colleges (I'm using the word colleges instead of universities, it's easier to type). I'm not a scholar who studies or publishes about higher education but it's been close to me all my life. I've lived on or next to a campus for 60 years of my life.  When I was a professor ...

Now Christian Critics of the Left Have Turned on the Right

A new word is being used, "exvangelicals," to describe what has been popular among Christian liberals. Critics on the right say the preoccupation with the poor and with justice for all is not important compared to Jesus' death on the cross to settle our sins. "Real Christians" are preoccupied with the cross and sin. Liberals are exvangelicals it is said by those on the right because they just don't get the faith. But surprisingly, some studious Christians who see this flaw in the left of the faith also see a flaw in the right. The right, too, carries the term "exvangelicals." The right lost its credentials as part of "real Christianity" by deciding the faith is about low taxes, no regulation and incentivizing personal ambition. The cross and sin are not present on the right. Years ago, Trump was asked what sin he asks the almight for forgive. He was flummoxed.  The link correctly points out church attendance by the blue-collar demographic...

Episcopalians Were Once the U.S. National Religion

As astute academic recently reviewed why religious conservatives are SO angry that an Episcopalian Bishop recently lectured President Trump. The Bishop warned Trump that gay and trans people are very frightened. Conservatives are having a cow over this remark by the Bishop. The link explains their anger is based on the threat they see in an Episcopalian talking to a President about moral values. It is conservative Protestantism that is the National Religion, conservatives think, and, while Episcopalians held that position for most of modern U.S. history, Southern conservatives took it from them and do not want to give it back. The link author makes a point I had never really considered. He writes that the state religions of Europe helped to hold in check the various religious impulses that come and go. There will be religions trying to push their way into government, the argument says, so why not bring in a religion that referees the others? Episcopalians were the ones doing this earli...