The Illusions Created by Non Abortion States

A friend I knew in politics in Fargo, ND where I was mayor for 16 years grew up poor and spent his teen years more or less "on the streets." This was long before abortion was made legal by Roe. He said abortions were common, "Everyone knew which doctors they could visit." These were the days of a neighborhood doctor with an office next to his house. Many hard-core opponents of abortion choose to believe, and have told me, there were almost no abortions during that period of many decades. There were half a dozen court cases and anti-abortion zealots choose to believe these were the only ones that took place. 

The same game is being played as we speak. States with abortion bans claim there are no abortions while doctors who care for patients say abortions continue. Perhaps there are abortions that are identified on the paperwork as something else. How ever it is happening, there are doctors that know about it and are not telling.

There is no enterprise more dishonest than anti-abortion. Forty years ago when an abortion clinic opened in Fargo a couple of groups opened Christian places to care for pregnant women. One of the goals the Christian places was to talk women out of abortions. They offered free pregnancy tests. The problem was they told women their pregnancies were too far along to obtain abortions. Later many women learned the test results were either wrong or the staff advising them lied, their pregnancy was not too late for an abortion.

Creating the illusion things are different than they actually are is the career of magicians and anti-abortion zealots. 



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