The Bible Has Been Edited Again

There are many versions of the Bible. The one called English Standard Version will now have 68 changes or edits from the one that preceded it. I can imagine a committee sat around a table where each person said, "No, you're wrong. What it really means is ..."  

One change that interested me was from Exodus. It involves the creation of the universe. In the preceding version of this Bible it said, "...and on the ---- day God created heaven and earth." The new version will say "...created the heavens and ..." Does this mean the faith now teaches there is more than one "heaven?" Are several gods and each has a heaven? Or, did the original heaven fill up with souls and new ones had to be opened?  Maybe now there is a heaven for those whose last name starts with A-D, another for E-I and so on. 

Or, could it be there are heavens based on the severity of sins. Those with no sins would, of course, get the best digs. Some people were sin lite, maybe only had lustful thoughts. They would qualify for a nice spot. Others cursed and did not ask for forgiveness and have a low rent heaven. 

In Acts 2 is a story of Christians being so close to hell they heard and felt it. Perhaps there are locations in Heaven for the favored few where they can look down into the hell fire pit and see the sinners they once knew. 

We know the original writings that make up the Bible have not survived. Thus, we don't know what they actually said. They were written in several languages. Languages have always morphed. The letters of our U. S. founding fathers were written in an English that takes so effort of understand. At that time the spelling was not agreed upon so writers like Geoge Washington often used phonetic spelling. Since we know roughly what a word sounded like we can today be fairly certain what the word was even though its spelling is far different than today. We have no way of knowing what languages sounded like 2,000 to 10,000 years ago. 

This means new Bibles with different takes of the tenets of Christianity will continue forever.


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