What is the Most Ridiculous Case Made in All of Christianity
Someday, I'd like to run a national competition to decide the most ridiculous argument in Christianity. Yes, there are many, the existence of heaven and hell, the gods and spirits floating about and what is sin and what is not sin. But there is one that is a used as a powerful club to beat down the role of a class of humans. This one rises to the top for me. It is that in some sections of the faith only men can be clergy.
I have a little side hobby of collecting the mythological excuses for the put-down of women. The put-down is skillfully done millions of women think it is a sound idea. I've heard several reasons for this discrimination. Here is the most recent.
The post refers to some verse in Revelations that says communion is a wedding where Jesus is the groom and the church is his bride. I didn't read the silly article carefully but apparently since Jesus was male the priest serving the blood must also be a male. Explaining this takes some pages using fancy words from theology.
Another explanation I've heard as to why clergy must be male is that Jesus' pals, the disciples, were all male. We don't really know who, if anyone, hung out with a Jesus. Another explanation I heard recently was that Adam was created before Eve. Therefore men always come before women. These, along with the link which is based on an obscure bit of scripture are all a joke repeated by men for the benefit of men. Several main-line denominations allow women to be preachers. None has been struck by lightning as a punishment from God. At least not yet.
To illustrate how bonkers religion is, consider the denomination I grew up in. This is the Evangelical Covenant Church. Twenty years or so ago its members nations-wide voted to allow women pastors. The seminary filled with women and some converted from other denominations. Local churches, however, have most often not chosen women to be their preacher. There are many unemployed women.
In the end it is not just one argument against women preachers that is bonkers, it is all of them.
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