Now Christian Critics of the Left Have Turned on the Right

A new word is being used, "exvangelicals," to describe what has been popular among Christian liberals. Critics on the right say the preoccupation with the poor and with justice for all is not important compared to Jesus' death on the cross to settle our sins. "Real Christians" are preoccupied with the cross and sin. Liberals are exvangelicals it is said by those on the right because they just don't get the faith.

But surprisingly, some studious Christians who see this flaw in the left of the faith also see a flaw in the right. The right, too, carries the term "exvangelicals." The right lost its credentials as part of "real Christianity" by deciding the faith is about low taxes, no regulation and incentivizing personal ambition. The cross and sin are not present on the right. Years ago, Trump was asked what sin he asks the almight for forgive. He was flummoxed. 

The link correctly points out church attendance by the blue-collar demographic associated with the right has fallen more than the professional suit-wearing demographic associated with the left. The author, perhaps over generalizing, says the right finds the church by first having conservative political views. Then such folks assign these political views to the faith and claim they own the faith. The left and the right are exvangelicals and mirror each other in their disinterest in what many consider to be the main tenets of the faith. 

As the left and right carry their own versions of the faith off in their own directions the link author all but concludes there is no hope for it. Many of us outside the faith have seen this coming for years. If the Bible is written in a style that allows every reader to free-lance what its message is, why not do it?

One of the aspects of letting political views be the entrance into the faith, as the right is said to be doing, is the precarious nature of politics. Trump and his Republican circle will need to deliver whatever the Christian right expects from him or both he and Christianity will be the worse for it. Cheaper eggs is a requirement of the faith.  


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