Young Evangelicals Majority Does Not Support Israel in Gaza
In spite of the old guys, Trump and Netanyahu, telling the world Israel is right to kill large numbers of Palestinian civilians, young evangelical Christians see the news and disapprove. Netanyahu has said he realizes this but knows it is because young people have not had the proper education.
We all know this conflict is complex and a solution is not on the horizon. It all began with a different "big solution" so long ago. That "big solution" was to move large numbers of Jews from Europe where they were killed in the holocaust and discriminated against to an area in the Middle East they claimed as their homeland. Jews had lived in the area now called Israel since ancient times but had not governed it. European Jews and Palestinians have been fighting ever since.
Now Trump is proposing another "big solution," moving the Palestinians somewhere else. Big solutions favoring Israel have not worked in the past.
An interesting thought experiment, not practical in real life, would be to eliminate every aspect of religion involved in the dispute. What if Israelis said, "This is not a land 'promised' to us. It's just a place we think holds a lot of history. We'd like a country where we are not discriminated against and pushed around. We're interested in that, not religion."
Add to that some compensation to the Palestinians for the land taken from them. Yes, some were given a little compensation but basically were forced out of some areas. Palestinians would need to agree not to attack, push out nor impede the Jews.
All this said, I realize it is not possible to clean religion from this or any other dispute. Further, often it is not possible to control all factions within a group, Israelis or Palestinians.
If young evangelicals, Israelis and Palestinians all are growing cold on the generations old war, something might come along to tamp it down.
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