The Where Did the First Life Come from Theory

The question of how or where the first life appeared on earth is weaponized by religious people around the world. In the U.S. Christianity most often weaponizes this question. I saw a piece recently which claimed "Christianity is growing because atheists cannot explain where the first life came from. It proves the Bible is right that God created life. " It is not true that "Christianity is growing." It is true that up until recently there has not been a clear or agreed upon explanation as to how what we think of as life was created in the universe. Richard Dawkins, a scientists and atheist author, has said repeatedly we will have an explanation about how the first life formed sooner than most people expect. A theory about how the first life may have come to be has now appeared in academic literature. An interesting side note is that amino acids have been found on debris from other planets. Since all the elements needed for life were present before life appeared, the...