A Christian Insider Gives Advice to Christian Republicans

When Republicans let down fervent Forced Birthers and anti-gays with a luke-warm platform, many of the Christian faithful were angry. One of those who considers herself an insider gave Christians encouragement to keep trying to push politicians into Christian positions. There is a small army of people who make their living working against abortion and the link author, Suzanne Bowdey, is one of them. She wants the resistance to abortion rights to continue because then she has something to write about.

In site after site that calls abortion "murder" the same appeal is made, "Don't stop the fight. Join our organization. Send us money. We will keep up the fight with you. Don't forget, send money."

But fight for what? Fight so that a few states keep strident no abortion rules. Is it a success and worth your donated money to have all the middle income and up women drive and fly out of state for their abortions while a few sad low-income women are trapped into giving birth? If I were giving money to some cause, I would want a more idealistic end than that. 

Self interest is a strong influence since the beginning of time. Forced Birth operatives like the link author write and preach their self interest because they know the Forced Birth fan club does not recognize they are being taken. The fan club absolutely wants to believe the operatives are telling the truth when they say they are "fighting abortion." What the operatives are doing is forcing low income women to give birth.

Kamala Harass will continue to point out the hypocrisy. It will anger Trump and company but there is nothing they can do. 


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