Watch for Slow Economic Effect on No Abortion States

I'm curious about micro decisions being made by people about no-abortion states. Today it was announced the number of OBGYN residents preparing for careers are choosing states other than no- abortion ones. I think we will see corporation after corporation, maybe without large announcements, locating elsewhere. If the majority of women are voting for abortion rights why would they not choose where to invest the millions under their control?

The convention/tourist industry is one of the first to react to something like this. Everyone knows conventions can be held lots of places. Lots of people with many views attend them. When a set of people in an industry say they will not attend if the annual convention is held in a state they are mad it affects decisions on locations. 

When corporations move their headquarters there are cost and logistical issues. But there are also personnel issues. Will the staff move to that location or go to work for someone else? 

I can't tell you how many times people wrote or called to tell me when I was a Mayor they were going to move because they were mad at something I had said or done. Abortion and gay rights were big reasons they made these kinds of bluffs. But they had no potential of harm the city. Gay people already lived in Fargo so it did not affect any gay haters that I advocated for them. Abortions were available in every state back then so where anti-abortion zealots going to move? Those threats were simple hot air letting off steam. Blocking all abortions is something else.

Watching for signs of economic stresses from anti-abortion laws is something I will be doing.


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