Was There or Was There Not a Jesus

[A note about this blog. I had a small injury (a bite from our family's Chiwawa) and the treatment process used a day or so. Now that is behind me but our condo's WiFy system is down. I can walk to some coffee shops where I am just now but the heat discourages that a little. Blogs may not be on a regular schedule just now but will return. Thanks to all who read here.] 

This argument has been going on since the beginning of Christianity. The facts don't change, the same ones just keep being brought up again and again by both sides. 

Yes, there are plenty of references in old writing. But, no, there is no writing by anyone who says, "I saw Jesus." The link makes all the old arguments there are historians with credentials who believe there was a Jesus. There are others with credentials who say no. 

The link then makes case I have not encountered. It says the little rural area where Jesus and the events claimed about him took place were very rural. The big news of the time came from Rome, he writes. That is why there was not much, actually nothing, written about Jesus at the time he was supposed to have been preaching to multitudes and performing amazing miracles. 

It seems to me a good argument could be that a rural obscure setting was given for the Jesus tales so they could not or would not be documented. I buy this one. 


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