The "Make Christianity Weird Again" Movement

An interesting exchange of ideas is going on in Christianity. Perhaps it is more accurate to say it has always gone on. One side says Christians should adapt to cultural change and fit in. The other is  Christians should be a group separate from the culture, sticking to their beliefs and not conforming.

The link returns to the time when much of the world was Pagan. It argues that Christianity, it was not called "Christianity" in the early centuries, was viewed as radical because of its kindness and generosity. While the Pagan were sacrificing animals to their various gods, Christians were being generous and sharing with the poor. Apparently, that radical behavior gained followers.

What do today's Christians think about tolerance and generosity? Would their views be so kind and tolerant they would be seen by the non Christian part of society as radically kind like it is claimed to have been the case back around 200 CE? 

It seems to me today's Christianity trends heavily toward the old pagan world of self-serving. A big part of the faith clings to conservative politics of no welfare and "if you fail it's because you did not work hard enough, it's your own fault."

To make Christianity weird like it was in the early centuries it would have behave sympathy for the pregnant woman and allow her to get an abortion. To let a woman with a high probability of sepsis simply wait until she approaches death to get an abortion is at the opposite end from a sympathetic faith. It stands apart due to its mean and nasty character, not its kindness to fellow man. 

The most "Christian" behavior we are seeing today is at the ballot box. In seven out of seven states abortion rights has won elections. To me, this is average voters, both men and women, understanding women can find themselves in difficult circumstances that require an abortion. We all know the circumstances vary from health to relationships to economics. A common Christian pattern is to generalize about women who seek abortions, they are promiscuous, careless and heartless. 

To me, the word weird applies to much of Christianity already. Isolating itself further will not save it.  


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