Forced-Birth Guy Tony Perkins is "Stunned by Capitulation" to Abortion Rights
These are days of "I told you so." Tony Perkins of Family Alliance has made a good living promising abortion would be outlawed forever in the U.S. His message has always been, "Keep sending money. If you do, we'll win this thing." Just the opposite has unfolded recently. President Trump is demanding the Republican Party Platform include language allowing states to have abortion rights laws. Now Florida lap dog Sen. Marco Rubio has announced support for Trump's position. Tony was taken by surprise. Wake up, Tony, smell the coffee.
Let's explain it slowly to Tony. In a democracy, if you take rights away from a set of voters, if you make their lives worse in order to appease other voters, those losing rights will vote for someone who supports their rights. There Tony, do you understand now?
Conservative operatives thought they were smart when they switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican. It would have been smarter to be independent and flirt or play one party off against the other. People like Tony Perkins want more government enforcing their Christian "laws" and want smaller government to appease the business wing of the Republican Party. That Tony was "surprised" by Trump's endorsement of no national anti-abortion law shows how little he really understands about politics. Success in politics is often, not always, the long view. The long view is what do we do if our partners leave us?
Seven states have had statewide votes about abortion rights. Abortion rights has won them all. An article in the largest paper in the state where I now live, Iowa, reviewed the situation here. There is no provision for signature ballot issues. The Legislature is the only body which can place an issue before voters. Republicans hold a big majority. A couple of years ago Forced Birth was feeling its oats and Republican legislators discussed a statewide vote to change the state's constitution to allow laws against abortion. This would take away the ability of the State's Supreme Court to rule the constitution prohibits laws against abortions which it has done in the past. Conservative legislators now have lost their nerve and do not want to put any Forced Birth measures in front of voters. There seems no doubt they would lose.
As Bible reading and church attendance decline it should not surprise Tony Perkins a religious law like anti-abortion is avoided by anyone running for President.
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