Why Did Eve Eat the Apple

Genisus has the story of the original sin . The entire creation story is discussed by intelligent people as if it was a historical event. For whatever reason, religion sends otherwise working brains on a vacation. To understand the Bible, an old and reliable rule to follow is this: The Bible was written by ancient males who were very wealthy. Only the very wealthy could afford to go to school and not work to survive. Wealthy people, and all others for that matter, have self interest in mind most of the time. There are exceptions but that is a good generalization. When the ancients took the considerable time required to write with crude paper, ink and feather they had a specific audience in mind. On top of that, they had a specific message they wanted to deliver to that specific audience. Every society has a creation story. The Old Testiment is but one. I think it is fun to speculate on why the ancients recorded the specific story that appears in Genisus. What was the audience the ...