Mexico Decriminalizes Abortion
An earlier Mexican Supreme court ruling decriminalized abortion in one state bordering Texas. Now it has been decriminalized across the entire country. Country by county, Latin America is legalizing abortion.
Men with tiny brains, anti-abortion opportunists, have been saying for decades the public does not like abortion and they would ban it across the entire U.S. and eventually across the world. It's amusing to see exactly the opposite happen. It seems inevitable eventually abortion will be more easily obtained than it was during the Roe period. When common sense was passed out these anti-abortion men were out of town.
How could any rational person believe taking away rights of women would be successful? As abortion rights wins elections here in the U.S., courts are advancing women's rights in Mexico. As religious leaders shout louder and louder their influence is smaller and smaller. I can imagine Bishops across Mexico will be holding news conferences telling us abortion is sin. It has been said in comments on this blog that "God hates abortion." God seems to think it is OK in Mexio. In right-to-life Texas God is telling women to go to Mexico for their abortions.
When one lives her life with the belief there are gods floating around and after she is stone-cold dead she will be alive somewhere else, perhaps it is easy to believe politics that are pure fantasy. For example, it was possible to believe that if a future Supreme Court overturned Roe states would one by one outlaw abortion. That is as likely to be true as the existence of the floating god. Belief in the floating god damaged the part of the brain that determines reality.
Christian churches would benefit by being more truthful. For one thing each denomination could admit it might be wrong and others right. There is no source of ultimate truth about issues discussed in the Bible.
So too could anti-abortion zealots be more truthful. They could admit no one has ever proved that one fertilized human egg cell is a human being. They could admit the different DNA of a fetus does not make it an independent human being. It is still part of the mother.
A toast to Mexico for entering the modern secular world.
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