Deaths in Childbirth cause Abandonment of term "Prolife"
Super conservative Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri recognizes the political losses Republicans have encountered since Roe was overturned. He knows some other terrible statistics Republicans have always wished would disappear. Instead they have become more widely known. These are the deaths of women in childbirth. By endorsing a policy of forced birth the Republican Party is endorsing more deaths of women. The term "prolife" is being laughed at.
Sen. Hawley thinks that if attention is misdirected away from the deaths in childbirth then anti-abortion can become again a political asset instead of liability. Hawley says focusing on "babies" will divert attention away from childbirth deaths. He wants Republicans to use the term "pro baby." Hawley should be more honest and admit the Republican Party is "anti women."
Being against abortion is neither "prolife" not "pro baby." To actually be "pro baby" an individual politician or party needs to put money behind their pledge. There needs to be lots of public money available to provide prenatal care for women. Then there needs to be money for women's birth expenses and lost work time. After that, more help is needed the for $200,000 to raise the child. "Pro baby" is a cruel joke without this support.
Hawley is a genuine crackpot. He endorsed Trump's claim of a rigged 2020 election. He paraded outside the Capital with a raised fist along with the protestors. He opposed Obamacare which included help for living longer, prolife. As an Attorney General he used the office to harass the current Democrat Governor. His advocacy of "pro baby" is not pro babies.
Republicans are coming to realize they cannot market the Party or its candidates as "pro life." Former Mike Pense is referring to himself at every stop as "pro life." He is getting nowhere. If he suddenly called himself "pro baby" would it help? Not possible. He thinks the pro life part of the party is really anti abortion and will gravitate towards him and away from Trump. This should be a lesson about the sincerity and loyalty of the anti-abortion constituency. Cult-like politicians, i.e. Trump, can capture it even though the candidate is only mildly or not at all against abortion.
I have advice the Republican politicians. Forget "prolife" and "pro baby." Be pro women and pro women's rights, keeping government from regulating the lives of women.
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