What Can we Learn From Christian History

Every week, articles are published in the Christian press warning a dire future if Christian numbers continue to fall. Some of the authors present themselves as well read and thoughtful intellectuals. "Do all those leaders allowing Christian numbers to fall recognize the terrible consequences of a non Christian society?" they ask. Eventually, they list specifically the "dire" consequences. A non Christian society would allow gay marriage and abortion. I mean, this is a serious outcome of a secular society? Ridiculous. 

Let's look at one piece of Christian history (Smithsonian, Sept-Oct 2023). About 71 CE Arab people, Muslims, sailed the short distance from Northern Africa to the string of land of very Southern Spain. They conquered the area and established the most advanced civilization of that time, the Emirate of Granda. Travelers of the era recorded beautiful structures, very clean cities, a healthy population and use of the most advanced technology of the time. This contrasted to the dirty Christian dominated cities of Europe. Accounts said the remaining Christians and Muslims lived in harmony. 

The society grew more prosperous and powerful until the 1100's when the caliphate began to fracture. Combinations of Christian/Muslim forces took over much of the territory except the southern most tip of Spain. There a Muslim society thrived for another 250 years.

By the 15th century Europe's Christian society had grown increasingly intolerant of Muslims. In 1480 Christian armies marched in and by 1490 the City of Granda surrendered to Christian forces. There was a peace agreement that all religions would be allowed to continue.

In the 1500's Christians changed their minds and ordered expulsion of all Jews. Jews rightfully panicked and run north into Europe. Shortly later, the same order was given to all Muslims. They, too, fled. The entire region fell into an economic collapse which lasted for centuries. Today shells of the magnificant structures from period of Islam remain for tourists to marvel at. 

In the last few years Spain had a flash of politcal morality and offered repartriation to the ancestors of the Jews who were driven off. No such offer was made to the Muslims.

Self-congratulatory Christians marvel at the universities and hospitals started in this country by Christian groups. Southern Spain reminds us other religions have done the same.   


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