Would Christianity Do Better or Worse Without Sin

Author Stephen Prothero wrote in his successful book, God is Not One , that if one focused not on what theologians write and lecture but on what those in the pews think about it would be summarized in one word, SIN. Christians just love to worry about their sin and afterlife. Sometimes when I write about this view of Prothero comments show up here saying he, and those in the pews, are wrong. With noses quite high in the air, commenters have explained that if one understood Christianity correctly, he would know that "substitutional atonement theory" trumps other theories about sin. This theory is Jesus suffered that our sins will be forgiven. This theory does not put the faithful at ease with sin, however, because no one has ever seen it happen. Besides, we are not to know the "mind of God." So, worries of the faithful remain on what they know best, sin. To amuse myself when I attend our nearby liberal church I count the number is times the word "sin" is ...